'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 56건
- 2018.06.28
- 2018.06.28
- 2018.06.26
- 2018.06.08
- 2018.06.07
Tomcat이 설치된 후 환경설정을 통해 최적화를 수행하여야 한다.
Tomcat7을 기준으로 환경을 최적화 하는 방법이다.
1. .bash_profile 설정
# .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs JAVA_HOME=/engn001/jdk1.7.0_80 TOMCAT_HOME=/engn001/tomcat-7.0.88 LOG_HOME=/logs001/ SRC_HOME=/sorc001/ PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin alias tomcat='cd $TOMCAT_HOME' alias logs='cd $LOG_HOME/app' alias src='cd $SRC_HOME' alias applog='tail -f $LOG_HOME/app/dsc_app.log' umask 022 export PATH JAVA_HOME |
2. vi editor 설정
tomcat 계정 Home Directory에 .vimrc 파일 생성
colo evening syntax on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab |
3. Tomcat catalina.sh 설정 변경
################################################################# # Set Java options start # ################################################################# DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d"` CATALINA_OUT="/logs001/tomcat/catalina.out" JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -D$SERVER_NAME -server" JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512m" JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled" JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/logs001/tomcat/dump/$SERVER_NAME-java_pid.hprof_$DATE" #JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -javaagent:${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/scouter.agent.jar" #JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dscouter.config=${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/conf/scouter.conf" #JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dobj_name=$SERVER_NAME" if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -verbose:gc -Xloggc:/logs001/tomcat/gc/gc_$SERVER_NAME_$DATE.log" JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy" fi ################################################################# # Set Java options end # ################################################################# |
Garbage Collection은 Concurrent GC로 설정되어 있으며, 시스템에 따라 적절한 메모리, Log 등을 설정한다.
4. server.xml 설정 변경
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" maxPostSize="-1" maxParameterCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" minSpareThreads="50" maxThreads="200" acceptCount="2000" redirectPort="8443" /> |
Thread, Timeout 등 관련된 항목을 설정한다.
또한 AJP를 사용하는 경우에도 AJP Connector에 Thread, Timeout관련 설정을 수정한다.
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityListener" checkedOsUsers="root" /> |
root 계정으로 Tomcat을 시작할 수 없도록 Listener를 등록한다.
5. Start Script 작성
Tomcat 설치 디렉토리의 bin에 start.sh 스크립트 작성
#!/bin/sh # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start Script for the CATALINA Server # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # resolve links - $0 may be a softlink PRG="$0" CATALINA_BASE=/engn001/tomcat-7.0.88 SERVER_NAME=xxxServer1 export CATALINA_BASE SERVER_NAME while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then PRG="$link" else PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link" fi done PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"` EXECUTABLE=catalina.sh exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@" |
6. Stop Script 작성
Tomcat 설치 디렉토리의 bin에 stop.sh 스크립트 작성
#!/bin/sh # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stop script for the CATALINA Server # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Better OS/400 detection: see Bugzilla 31132 os400=false CATALINA_BASE=/engn001/tomcat-7.0.88 SERVER_NAME=xxxServer1 export CATALINA_BASE SERVER_NAME PRG="$0" while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then PRG="$link" else PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link" fi done PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"` EXECUTABLE=catalina.sh exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" stop "$@" |
Linux에 Apache2.4를 설치하기 위해서는 다음 순서로 설치를 수행한다.
1. [apr install]
wget http://apache.mirror.cdnetworks.com/apr/apr-1.6.1.tar.gz ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apr cp -arp libtool libtoolT make && make install |
2. [apr-util install]
wget http://apache.mirror.cdnetworks.com/apr/apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz ./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --prefix=/usr/local/apr-util xml/apr_xml.c:35:19: fatal error: expat.h: No such file or directory #include <expat.h> ^ compilation terminated. make[1]: *** [xml/apr_xml.lo] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/apr-util-1.6.1' make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 yum install expat-devel make && make install |
3. [pcre 설치]
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcre/files/pcre/8.31/pcre-8.31.tar.gz ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pcre --disable-cpp make && make install |
4. [openssl install]
wget http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz ./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl-1.0.2d --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl shared threads zlib make & make install echo /usr/local/openssl/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf /sbin/ldconfig yum install openssl-devel |
5. [apache install]
./configure --prefix=/home/ec2-user/apache --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr-util --with-pcre=/usr/local/pcre --enable-so --enable-rewrite --with-mpm=worker --enable-mpms-shared=all --enable-ssl --with-ssl=/usr --enable-cache --enable-file-cache --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy-http --enable-rewrite --enable-deflate checking for zlib location... not found checking whether to enable mod_deflate... configure: error: mod_deflate has been requested but can not be built due to prerequisite failures yum을 이용하여 zlib 설치 yum -y install zlib-devel configure: WARNING: OpenSSL version is too old no checking whether to enable mod_ssl... configure: error: mod_ssl has been requested but can not be built due to prerequisite failures [open ssl install] |
Linux 계정의 home directory에서
.vimrc 파일 생성한 후 다음과 같이 입력한다.
■.vimrc 파일 내용
colo evening syntax on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab |
colo evening는 evening 테마를 적용한다는 의미임
VI Editor의 theme의 종류는
■VI Theme
blue.vim darkblue.vim default.vim delek.vim desert.vim elflord.vim evening.vim koehler.vim morning.vim murphy.vim pablo.vim peachpuff.vim ron.vim shine.vim slate.vim torte.vim zellner.vim |
Spring Framework에서 Session을 Redis에 저장하고 관리할 때 설정하는 방법이다.
서버 다중화 시 일반적을 Session Clustering을 다중화된 서버에 상호간 Session 정보를 동기화하기 위해 Multicast를 이용하는데 Amazon과 같은 Cloud를 사용할 경우 서버간 Multicast를 지원하지 않는다.
이 경우에 Session을 Redis에 관리하게 되는데, 본 글에서는 Spring Framework에 Redis를 이용하여 Session을 관리하는 설정 방법에 대한 설명이다.
그러나 Tomcat등 WAS가 Restart할 때 Session 정보는 Redis에 남아 있는게 되는데, 보안상에 이슈가 없을 경우 사용하면 좋을 듯 하다.
■ Configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util" xmlns:cache="http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache/spring-cache.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/util http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util.xsd">
<!-- This should not be removed --> <context:annotation-config/>
<bean class="org.springframework.session.data.redis.config.annotation.web.http.RedisHttpSessionConfiguration"/>
<bean id="lettuceConnectionFactory" class="org.springframework.data.redis.connection.lettuce.LettuceConnectionFactory" destroy-method="destroy"> <property name="hostName" value="xxxxx" /> <property name="port" value="6379" /> </bean>
<!-- Do not remove --> <util:constant static-field="org.springframework.session.data.redis.config.ConfigureRedisAction.NO_OP"/>
<bean id="redisTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate"> <property name="connectionFactory" ref="lettuceConnectionFactory" /> </bean>
</beans> |
lettuceConectionFactory를 설정할 때 hostName과 Port를 설정하여 준다.
단순하게 Spring Framework에서 Redis를 이용하여 Session을 관리하는 방법을 설명하였다.
Spring Framework + Redis를 이용한 Session Clustering (0) | 2018.07.19 |
Spring framework RequestMapping을 XML 파일로 생성하기 (0) | 2018.07.17 |
Spring framework Future와 AsyncResult 를 이용한 Async 서비스 호출 (0) | 2018.04.23 |
Mybatis ResultHandler를 이용한 ExcelDownload (3) | 2018.04.19 |
Spring framework Property Reload (0) | 2018.04.13 |
Tomcat을 사용하는 경우 ../bin/setenv.sh에 다음과 같이 추가한다.
Garbage Collection 방식은 Parallel GC를 적용하고 있으며, New 영역에 256m를 할당하였다.
■Parallel GC 설정
#!/bin/sh export JAVA_HOME=/engn001/jdk1.7.0_80 # Configuration Tomcat log file CATALINA_OUT="/logs001/apache-tomcat-7.0.76/catalina.out" #Configuration JVM Heap Size JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=256m –XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=16" #Start Configuration GC JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -verbose:gc -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xloggc:/logs001/apache-tomcat-7.0.76/gc_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.log" JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC" #Apply Parallel GC JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=6 -XX:+UseParallelOldGC" #End Configuration GC JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/logs001/heap/portal.hprof" #Start Configuration SCOUT JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -javaagent:${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/scouter.agent.jar" JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dscouter.config=${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/conf/scouter.conf" JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dobj_name=SEHATI-PORTAL" #End Configuration SCOUT |
■ CMS GC 설정
# Base settings and GC logging -server -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch # First should be default, but we make it explicit, second pre-zeroes memory mapped pages on JVM startup -- improves runtime performance # -Xloggc:gc-%t.log # CUSTOMIZE LOCATION HERE - $path/gc-%t.log -- the %t in the gc log file path is so we get a new file with each JVM restart -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:GCLogFileSize=20m # Limits the number of files, logs to folder -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCCause -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintReferenceGC -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy # gather info on object age & reference GC time for further tuning if needed. # G1 specific settings -- probably should be default for multi-core systems with >2 GB of heap (below that, default is probably fine) -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 # Prevents G1 undersizing young gen, which otherwise causes a cascade of issues -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled # parallelize reference processing, reducing young and old GC times. We use a LOT of weak references, so should have big impact. -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent # Avoid explicit System.gc() call triggering full GC, instead trigger G1 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod=1 # Additional logging for G1 status -XX:MaxMetaspaceExpansion=64M # Avoids triggering full GC when we just allocate a bit more metaspace, and metaspace automatically gets cleaned anyway # Tuned CMS GC - probably not worth using though (prefer G1 or default parallel GC if heap is <2 GB or so) -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses # fixes issues with superlong explicit GC cycles (switches to concurrent GC, but also enables class unloading so we don't get memory leaks). -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled # parallelize re-marking and reference processing. The first will reduce full GC time, the latter should reduce both GC times -- we use a LOT of weak references, so should have big impact. -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled # allows GC of classloaders & classes (important because we do some dynamic loading and because of groovy). -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark # will force young gen GC before full GC (reduces full GC duration) # Based on GC logs but may need refining, somewhere from 1:1 to 1:3 ratio is best because Jenkins makes mostly young garbage, cap at 3 G to limit minor GC pause duration -XX:NewSize=512m -XX:MaxNewSize=3g -XX:NewRatio=2 # Options NOT to use so far: # * -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=<percent> - Generally suggested, but we don't have good benchmarks to collect these. So far we haven't done it # Settings we *may* want to add for CMS but need more data for #-Xms4g # because realistically allocating anything under 4 GB just increases startup time. We need that much RAM. Optional. #-XX:NewSize=512m -XX:MaxNewSize=3g -XX:NewRatio=2 # start young gen somewhere reasonable and let it grow, but not too big (3 GB is a compromise b/w young GC pause time and the full GC pause time, the latter of which we know to be quite good even with a 10+ GB old gen heap) # LOW-MEMORY use Jenkins, I.E. Jenkins on OpenShift, I have been using this for a long time to run Jenkins on an AWS t2.micro # Will run A-OK with -Xmx384m if you limit load & workers -XX:+UseSerialGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=15 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=20 # -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=128m # Tweak to your needs. This will run a decent-sized Jenkins however. Too low == crashes # Make sure to limit metaspace too, i.e. -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m because it allocates a lot of RAM for that |
The over parameters are referred at https://gist.github.com/svanoort/66a766ea68781140b108f465be45ff00
Java Convert Map to XML 예제 (0) | 2018.07.26 |
Java에서 Shell호출 방법 (0) | 2018.07.05 |
Java Reflection 사용법 (0) | 2018.04.12 |
JSP의 img, script에 jsessionid가 추가되는 경우 (0) | 2018.02.22 |
Html a tag function call (0) | 2018.02.20 |